If you ever wished to easily type Czech characters (ěščřžýáíéúů
etc) on an Apple laptop with English keyboard – download this file and move Czenglish.bundle
to Keyboard Layouts
Then you can add one of three versions (UK, US and international) in
System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources > "+" > Czech > Czenglish [UK,US,IE]
and then choose it as your main keyboard in the Input menu.
All your UK (US) keys will work, but typing alt-a
will produce á
and alt-c
will type č
, et cetera. Uppercase variants with a shift
key, of course.
There are two exceptions – é
is at alt-w
and ú
at alt-j
. Still close though.
And a few additional characters:
(euro) atalt-2
(US pound) atalt-3
(bullet) atalt-8
(starting quotes) atalt-'
(ending quotes) atshift-alt-'
- ° (degrees sign) at
- × (multiply sign) at
- and a few others.
Please suggest if you wish to add more alternative characters in the future. Or download and use fantastic software Ukelele from SIL – it is very easy, and has little risk.
BTW alt-§ is a codename we have for oysters with a friend.